Sumatra Mandheling Decaf French Roast

Sumatra Mandheling Decaf French Roast

$ 16.75
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All the strength of our Sumatra Mandheling French without the caffeine! Thanks to the Swiss Water processing method, our decaf French is decaffeinated without the use of chemicals! Coffee beans undergoing this process are closely monitored in small batches ensuring a pure flavored decaf. Our Sumatra Mandheling is brought to a degree darker than that of our full city and Viennese Roast, resulting in our ever popular French Roast. The caramel notes of a regular Sumatra Mandheling carry over, but are intensified to a syrupy finish that's balanced with the earthiness of an Indonesian coffee. Lowest in acidity, strong, bold, and decadent -coffee enthusiasts rejoice! 

One of the world's prized coffees, it is grown in the highlands of northern Sumatra in the Malay Archipelago of Indonesia. The plantations grow coffee trees at altitudes up to 5,000 feet and use a combination of wet and dry processing methods. The term Mandheling refers to the name of the people who traditionally farmed and processed the coffee bean. 



Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Thomas M Hickey
Great Coffee!

I switched to decaf six months ago. So pleased with Armeno’s french roast.



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